Cancellations made up to 48 hours before the check-in date qualify for a full refund, minus processing fees.
Cancellations made within 24-48 hours before check-in incur a 50% charge of the booking amount.
Cancellations within 24 hours of check-in or no-shows are non-refundable.
Guests departing earlier than scheduled will not be refunded for the remaining nights.
Bookings under special promotional or discounted rates are non-refundable unless stated in the promotion terms.
Date changes are subject to availability and may incur additional charges or rate adjustments.
Some rates or packages may be non-refundable regardless of the cancellation date; these will be noted at booking.
Refund policies for group bookings may vary. Please refer to your group contract for specific terms or contact our team for details.
In case of unforeseen events such as natural disasters or government restrictions, Alpine BNB Dharamshala reserves the right to offer alternative solutions in place of refunds, subject to policy adjustments.
Refunds may take up to 7-10 business days to process, depending on the payment method and financial institution.
Welcome to Alpine BNB Dharamshala, where comfort and luxury converge in the heart of Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. Our hotel is designed to provide an exceptional experience with elegantly appointed rooms and suites. Each accommodation is thoughtfully equipped with modern amenities to ensure your stay is both enjoyable and relaxing.
Alpine BNB Dharamshala © 2025 - All Rights Reserved.
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